Monday, August 18, 2008

A lesson about Impermanence

Today the weather has changed, mercifully, from the near 100F temps we have been having into a windy, cloudy and cooler day. However this is a mixed blessing, as I sit and count the seconds after the lightening, last count eight, I hear the sounds of the fire truck siren going in that direction a few minutes later.
Today's activities included cleaning out the cardboard boxes from the garage and taking a load to recycling. I always feel so righteous when I do recycling, as if I were somehow doing something sacred. Of course I have been doing this recycling for a long time now, but that feeling of "doing good" never seems to lessen. When we (Riley and I, Isaac is still in house arrest) were out we bought some shelving and potting soil (actually steer manure) and a few discount pots, so we can replant the house plants, and possibly make some plant starts for the fund raising sale the Unitarian church is having this weekend. The shelving ended up along the wall in this room which is my study/dressing room next to the downstairs bedroom.
This house in Pullman has two stories, my story is this: we have begun using the family room downstairs as the master bedroom, in fact the whole downstairs is functionally a master/suite, with a full shower/bath, laundry and plenty of closet space. The Main bedroom upstairs will be the guest bedroom. This is a good utilization of space, since we have a large living/dining room up as well.
The electricity is trying to go out so I will close, only after saying that I also took off the top of the old black ford pickup and began trimming the shrubbery, and dumping it into the back of the truck so I can take it to recycling also. (The lightening was just three seconds away that time and repeating.) More about that in the next post.
Interestingly, when the thunder echoes here it lasts about 20 seconds, because it bounces around all the rolling hills which make up the Palouse. I have never experienced this long lasting thunder before. There was a ligntening strike 1/2 second away just a few minutes ago. That is too close for comfort. Now its raining too, so that will mitigate any possible fire issue.

1 comment:

Wanda Jean Wach said...

Yikes, I was scared for you as I read about the transition of the seconds between the lightning strikes and the thunder. Too close and too loud too long for me!
I am using my blog account that I set up with my granddaughter, so that's why my name is "grandma wach". I do have 10 grandkids and 1 great-grandchild with another one expected on Valentine's Day. Pretty good for a 64 year old, huh! I read with interest of the books you have written. I just completed a 313 page book for our stake's 50th anniversary history celebration. It was a lot of interesting research, etc. I also inserted about 350 photos into the text. My dream is to someday write two family history for the Wach side and one for the Jacob-Dodge side. I have lots of resources here at home; just need to pull them all together in a book form for posterity.
Love, Niece Wanda Jean Murray Wach