Sunday, August 17, 2008

Just another beautiful Sunday

Today I went to the Unitarian church in Moscow, stopping on the way with Riley to visit the dog park at the animal shelter to throw the ball for her. She is obsessive.
The service was okay, but it always feels a little strange to see all these people whom I don't know, except a few I remembered. A woman spoke about her art and how it was a compelling force in her life and likewise for so many others.
Isaac was waiting for us when we got home, sacked out upside down in the bed downstairs where it is cooler. It is so hot today, up to 100 in some places. Too hot to even go outside except to water, which allows me to get wet too.
We are still unpacking boxes of course, since we have only arrived in our new house, and I hung some pictures. It is hot upstairs and even though we have air conditioning I am reluctant to use it, preferring to just stay downstairs where it is about 25 degrees cooler.
I finished my Iris Murdock book, The Good Apprentice, today, I have been nursing it for about 4 months through all the travel and infrequent reading events lately.
I am attaching a poem I wrote sometime ago, context long forgotten.

1 comment:

Wanda Jean Wach said... in Pullman WA now, back to our home state. It's neat to read of your activities on your blog. Sounds like you are fulfilled and excited with a new wife, new home and area to learn about, things to fix and do, and your travels. As I am wont to say, "It's all good stuff."
Love, Niece Wanda Jean Murray Wach