Friday, August 22, 2008

Productive day

Friday always seems to be productive since there is no more time in the regular week to procrastinate doing what was supposed to be done this week already. I took another pickup load of yard debris cuttings to the landfill transfer station, no charge. Then bought some fencing to make a dog yard alongside the house. (Possibly a cat yard too if the cat doesn't just figure out how to jump or climb the fence.)
I went to a first week picnic at the university, I had to pay so I ate two cookies, when one would have normally been enough. Later I went to the World or National Lentil Festival, which has been going on for twenty years this time every year in Pullman. The music was good, and we had spring rolls and terryaki chicken for dinner. I bought my first (and probably only) Washington State University hat and t-shirt just to kid of feel better adjusted to this new place. I mentioned to several people that I was a duck, and when they figured out what that meant (UofO alumnus) they were mostly suspicious or offered competitive feelings.
Isaac (our grey cat)has gone out for a stroll several times now, but he needs a constant escort since I have had to follow him into the neighbors yards each time. Now he wants to go out on his own, but it is too soon to trust that he will find his way back and not otherwise kill some of the hundreds of quail we have around here. He is such a good hunter, and he seems on the prowl since it has been several weeks since he ate any fresh mice or a bird.
I am looking forward to tomorrow, but for no particular reason; but that seems like a good way to end the day.

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