Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Pregnant with Love

(On the occassion of just becomming for the 10th time a grandpa,
my new grandson is in Atlanta tonight for his first night,
however I thought how appropriate this poem was,
not entirely, but in different ways appropriate for differernt people
as are most poems.)

I am lying here pregnant with hope.
For the last six months I have resisted writing this poem.
It has resided in my subconscious
as a dream or vision of a hopeful life
together with a stable and solid friend.
Not in a - too good to be true – way
But in a way that if you talk about it,
the dream might not come to pass.

This vision is still gestating, protected
it has begun metamorphosis
And gradually, ever so cautiously
it is articulating, swelling and growing.
I can feel its heart beating with mine
as I visualize scenes from the future
vividly. Kind touching and sharing
Ideas, feelings and telling -- pure emotions
that are wholesome and beneficial
dance across the theatre of my mind.

These are just a few of the predictions that pass
my minds’ eye as the wisp of a concept.
Others elaborate - evocative of physical stimulation-
In this poem they take life, larger more wishfully
than I have dared to think.

Thus I am making myself vulnerable
As the only possible way to honestly begin.
But I have not shared this preamble
And until I do, it will remain dormant.
The first reading will be its birth
Our first kiss will be its first breath
We have already shared our first touch
Innocently but significantly, I touched
Her elbow in parting
Making “…good night…” a passing of energy
A test of the current that might spark between us
in a future - that will have to wait
for a grander more auspicious ceremony
to inaugurate this vision into life.
What and when shall that be?
What sign will I know to advance this cause?

I will trust in the spontaneity that can only grow
out of a mutual dream.
Only then will I step forward and take ownership
Of this living and virtuous love as a newborn
And bless it with these simple words:
“I want to love you.”

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congratulations on the new grandson!! That's exciting news. So was he born on the 23rd? If so, that's just like Austin, only 12 years apart.