Monday, September 8, 2008

A Week (or Two) in Review

Most recently: I am assigned to work half day today at Pullman High School in the shop class of some sort. This is my first job here and first teaching gig in the State of Washington, and I am in a state of pleasure to be working and gainfully employed again. Vacations are great, but I seem to work harder during vacation than otherwise.
This morning (Monday) I had another one of those transitional experiences, when the Social Security office called me up at an appointed time and took my application for retirement benefits! so the third Wednesday in December I will receive a check for November, my first. I have lived this long, so I guess I can live that much longer.
I hope this isn't one of those situations where the appliance is guaranteed for three years and during the first month after the guarantee expires, it goes broken.
On Sunday we went to a picnic for the math department people and I spoke to some of the Chinese students, and one Korean. They are an interesting group, each very unique from the next.
Has anybody played that new yard-game, ladder ball? Like tossing boa's at a three step ladder and keeping score and like who gets to 21 first wins. It's not as easy as it looks. My first attempts were not so successful.
Unitarian church sermon on Sunday was appropriately about security, and there has been a dramatic discussion about security vis-a-vis blogging around this family. I have decided to post only personal items for myself, and not identify anyone else, and have no security whatsoever, because I don't think I should need it. I will not post other addresses to my links either, but I will encourage comments and discussion. I don't believe the exposure or vulnerability I have is of any consequence to me or anyone else, but maybe that feeling is because I am a white male in the dominate cultural power group and I can swagger around anywhere I want to go without anyone messing with me or else. Of course that's not true, I'm just teasing.
Saturday, we went to the Rodeo and saw live action of roping and saddle bronc riding and thoroughly enjoyed all of that. I never wanted to be a rodeo guy, I guess that was past my threshold of safety and exceeds my limit for risk taking. We can measure our risk aversion by looking back on our lives and seeing what we did and then judge what we might do in the future, but of course I might begin to take more risks, but I doubt that riding in a rodeo will be on that list ever.
One thing my Buddhist training has taught me is not to crave thrills, or entertainment from which I might derive adrenalin rushes etc. Life is too thrilling without trying to find additional gratuitous thrills or dangers.
Last week was very secure, moving boxes around and moving in and for example, we finally allowed Isaac to go outside without a personal chaperon and he came back very nicely. We won't let him out at night, however, for security reasons. The local gendarme, one of our neighbors is a policeman, told us his cat was attacked by a coyote just two houses away from us, and that seems like a rather unfriendly risk, so Isaac will have to stay in at nights. He likes to think about hunting quail which, along with other various species of birds, we have in great abundance.
The weather is very pleasant fall weather, no frost yet.

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