Saturday, November 15, 2008

Life Continues

The top most part of the elegant fir
that borders and decorates the northeast corner of Beaver Pond
is bare and damaged by the Eagle’s perching
but there are three branches leaning upward to replace it
to regenerate its pinnacle
and this is how my life continues.

I.J. Hall, April 30, 2005


I keep spraying the blackberries
And poison oak
But the native wild raspberries
Growing and thriving are now blooming
And I will encourage their presence
By leaving them alone.

The bedstraw is so juvenile
But threatens to entangle all around
And distribute its burrs to all passersby
Teaching us, I suppose
How to survive and thrive
In a difficult, adverse world.

I.J. Hall, April 30, 2005

We have been experiencing the leftovers of the rain that has flooded especially Western Washington. Another of life's great ironies, that the Pacific NW is flooding and the dry, hot windy weather in California is burning the place up.

I was teaching the last two days, and Friday I was even a crossing guard on the street with a flag and all. I haven't done that since I was in the third grade. I really felt "retired" doing that. Next, I will be applying at Wallmart to be a door greeter!! Its neat how grandparents show up at school, some spend time with their children pushing swings, etc. I thought how proud I was when I went to school with Kat, my granddaughter, and how much fun I had going to another montesori school around the world in Park City... just like going to school with Ken and Ben when they were shorter.
So this is a busy weekend, with ticket taking, and a couple of parties, things to do just for us.

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