Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Promises to keep

What an exciting turn of the page for our Western culture, to finally come into the 21st century with less bigotry, but of course not clean. I am myself accused of being a sexist frequently, (which is not as bad as the epithet "racist") but the habits of my speech that give rise to this complaint are inadvertent I assure you, since I have been so thoroughly educated to avoid this kind of thinking... and I believe in equality of individuals based on recognition as individuals, so I never identified with B. Obama because of his gender, nor did I think we should have a President based on Affirmative Action, and I even object to his call for change (which always seemed like the vacuous Russian Leninist-Communist call for "Revolution" at any cost!) but of course we are always changing, impermanent, and since change is inevitable why not just make it a useful slogan? And in the meantime try to make the change healthy and beneficial. Why not?
So can B. Obama deliver on his campaign promises, to invest in Green technology, to make what health care is possible available to all, (remember since we don't have cures for all diseases, we can never make health care a Right, it is always a privilege because of the limited technology involved)? Will he make a quick fix by expanding medicare and medicaid? to take care of those who cannot afford insurance? thus spreading the privilege around a bit better? and by the way, J. McCain's tax credit plan is totally superfluous and a ridiculous idea? Poor people who do not pay taxes do not receive benefits from a tax credit any more than they do by not having a job that gives them medical insurance which is an income benefit to us privileged who do not pay income tax on that benefit!@! Thus from an economist's point of view, (mine) Tax exempt medical benefits is a government subsidy for the well to do, leaving the poor completely without any kind of benefit except from welfare, which is degrading and demoralizing unless it is available to all and not to just a few select indigent people.
I hope that this along with a phased withdrawal from Iraq (AND AFGHANISTAN) are his first priorities. (How did we somehow get the idea that fighting in Afghanistan is more virtuous than fighting in Iraq?)I am thinking about applying to be Secretary of Agriculture, but I will need the support and encouragement of anyone who happens to read this blog. Please stop now and write a letter to B. Obama and recommend me for the position, since I am otherwise underemployed and available. My first priority would be to go to Afghanistan and Iraq and help them develop sustainable farming that did not involve producing heroin.
That is another subject, revolving around the question: Are drug addicts self-selected? in much the same way that political prominence and leadership is self-selected? They may be self-eliminating at a huge social cost, but they seem to be replaced by new generations each year. Is it our society that produces these helpless people who create the demand for illegal (and prescription) drugs. Therefore am I partially to blame because I have never been active in stomping out drug overuse (indeed I enjoy my occassional wine). What will B. Obama do to keep his promise to develop the economy and improve education as a partial solution?
I predict he will very quickly move to fund an expanded social/Domestic Corps of young volunteers to work in every community to improve the effectiveness of our social institutions. Too many people are disinfranchised by our very complicated social arrangements. (The public library should be a place to hang out, instead of the Mall.) Now is the time to act!! Irv for Sec. of Agriculture.

1 comment:

Baba Jacob said...

No, I am not going to recommend you Dad. I want you to stay out of the corruption that is politics. I love you too much to have you exposed to that crap.