Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Compelling Solitude

This has been a long, gentle afternoon.
Time goes more slowly when one is alone,
Feeling the seconds ticking with my heart.

The little bugs that crawl
on the pink wild roses
enjoy the gentle passage of time
and poignant fragrance
as much as I do.

The black dog circles and paws
the ground anxiously, cautiously
repeating this ritual before he deigns to lie
in an unsuitable place.
I must be doing the same thing.

There is in witnessing these simple pleasures of solitude
A compelling and restful peace. This is
A welcoming place for pleasant memories.

I.J. Hall, May 24, 2003

1 comment:

tjwaka said...

I don't know where in the world you are, heard that you were traveling to Texas to visit the newest grandbaby, but just wanted to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

Have a great day.

Love, Thora