Friday, October 24, 2008

Back to peace (or rather Palouse.)

After a quick visit to Atlanta to visit my son and daughter-in-law and their new baby Powell Norris Jacob, I feel stiff and sore from all that travel, but otherwise excited and rewarded for having met the newest member of our family. What a handsome boy! I have to say he didn't seem to resemble this grandpa, however I could see a lot of potential resemblance to his Great- Uncle Joe. Maybe it was the bald head, since my brother has been shaving his head lately. (I want to start the rumor that he is also becoming a Buddhist.)
I voted today, in a curious way. I submitted my registration in good order, but somehow a clerk miss-arranged my name which is easy enough to do, since I am blessed with three last names, Irvin Hall Jacob, they typed Jacob Hall Irvin, which sounds like a perfectly good name, but it did not match my social security records, so they suspected with a form letter, that I was a fraudulent voter. I had to drive twenty miles to Colfax to the county seat to show some household identification, and convince them I was a legitimate person, and that I only wanted to vote once, in spite of the fact that I have lived in Montana, Idaho and Oregon during the last five years, and why would I now want to vote in Washington?
On the ballot about half the positions open are unopposed; so much for democracy? But of course the big issue is the Presidency, and if you think that voting for one or another leading candidate will make a change in the US or Global economic crisis, or the terrorist issue, or the ethical debate surrounding gays or abortion, think again. The only likely surprise to come from this election will be to see how little influence the American President, whomever, will have on any of the key issues including the way we ration health care. Am I just being cynical? Let me know if you think so, possibly I have a deed to a bridge and I will just sign it over to you.

My work at the Literacy Council of the Palouse has begun in earnest and I have combined my first set of volunteer/client together. I teach the tutor how to help, encourage them "Yes you can do this." and we met the prospective client who is a deserving special ed person now adult who still needs the kind of support we can offer, because he is a dishwasher and wants to get promoted to being a cook, but he can't read the recipes. So this will be a satisfying avocation.

Be Free

The tiny goldfinch
Clings to the swaying branch
So naturally
As long as I stand still.
If I move toward it
She flies away
Like so much of nature and love
It cannot be possessed only appreciated. ~

The Geese

The Canadians fly over
whatever song I am prepared to hear
one of joy
or of haunting sorrow.
October 24, 2008

1 comment:

Baba Jacob said...

I completely agree with you about the election. Both candidates are members of the CFR. They are handpicked puppets.

I am liking your poems!